Children's Sports Habits

There are 3 parts in this survey, each adding up to a total of 25 questions.

A. Your Profile
Name *
E-mail address *
E-mail address (Confirmation)*
1. Please select your age. *
2. Please select your gender. *
3. Please select your race. *
4. Please select your residential area. *
4. Others *
5. What is your annual household income? *
6. Please select number of children in household if applicable *
B. Sports habits of your child

In this section, we ask you about your child's sporting habits. Please select one child that plays sports the most for the following questions.

7. Please select your child's gender who plays sports the most. *
8. How old is he/she? *
9. What kind of school does he/she attend? *
9. Others *
10. Which sport does he/she play the most? (Select up to 3) *
10. Others *
11. Why does he/she play selected sport(s)? (Select up to 3) *
11. Others *
12. How was he/she introduced to selected sport(s)? (Select up to 3) *
12. Others *
13. How often does he/she play selected sport(s)? *
14. When does he/she play selected sport(s)? *
14. Others *
15. Where does he/she most frequently play selected sport(s) at?  (Select up to 3) *
15. Others *
16. How much does he/she usually spend on selected sport(s) in a year? (Including fees such as facility and lesson expenses, goods etc) *
C. Sports equipment for your child

In this section, we ask you about how you (or your child who plays sports the most) buy sports equipment for your child.

17. What shoe brand does he/she currently use when playing sports? (Select up to 3) *
17. Others *
18. Where does he/she usually get their sport shoes from? *
19. Does he/she have a favourite sports brand? (Select up to 3) *
19. Others *
20. Does he/she have a favourite sporting goods retail? (Select up to 3) *
20. Others *
21. Does he/she usually shop for sports goods online or at a physical shop? *
22. When shopping online, which platform does he/she usually use?  (Select up to 3) *
22. Others *
23. When shopping at physical stores, where does he/she usually buy these sporting goods?  (Select up to 3) *
23. Others *
24. What are your criteria when choosing where to shop for sporting goods?  (Select up to 3) *
24. Others *
25. Would you like to participate in upcoming surveys like this in the future? *
- End of Survey -