Survey about Public Bus and MANABAS Application

A. Your profile
Name *
E-mail address *
E-mail address (Confirmation)*
Residential Area *
Sex *
Age *
Race *
B. Most used transportation​
Q1. What is your most used transportation method? *
Q2. Based on Q1, how often do you use? *
Q3. Based on Q1, what is the purpose of using the transport? (Multiple selection) *
C. Usage of public bus​
Q4. How often do you use the public bus? *
Q5. What is the purpose of using the public bus? (Multiple selection) *
If others, please state details
Q6. How long does it take from your home to the nearest bus stop? *
Q7. Are you satisfied with the current route bus service? *
Q8. What improvements could be made to the public bus service? (Multiple selection) *
If others, please state details
Q9. Is there any reason you don't want to take a public bus? (Multiple selection) *
D. About MANABAS Application
Q10. Have you used MANABAS before? *
If No, please state why
Q11. If "Yes" Q10, has your bus arrived according to the information on MANABAS?
Q12. In your opinion, will MANABAS make your bus experience more convenient? *
Q13. If "No changes" or "Not sure" in Q12, please tell the reasons (Multiple selection)
If others, please state details
Q14. In your opinion, will MANABAS increase your opportunities to use the bus? *
Q15. In your opinion, what is the good thing about using MANABAS? (Multiple selection) *
If others, please state details
Q16 In your opinion, what improvements could be made to MANABAS? (Multiple selection) *
If others, please state details
Q17. Do you think it would be useful to know the information around the bus stop (restaurants, retail stores, tourist spot, etc.) with MANABAS? *
Q18. Do you have any other suggestion, comment or opinion regarding MANABAS application?